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Tea examination technology competition grade certificate has arrived.

68th national tea production youth tea examination technology competition that was held at the National Tea Festival Miyazaki tournament
This competition is
1, appearance examination (answer by seeing whether the tea produced in any province) 10 questions
2, decoction liquid medicine examination (and taking the put is tea under the same conditions, shed produced prefecture.) 5 questions × 2 set a total of 20 questions × twice
3, varieties tea decoction bleeding taking examination (by taking varieties tea was brewed under the same conditions, shed breed.) 5 questions × 2 times in total 10 questions
Dispute with scores above 40-point scale, the first year it will be certified in the “first stage” and earn a score of more than 20 points.
Of sixth generation that I am allowed to participate than our “first stage” certificate has arrived.
This effort of the person as well, it is proposed with the gift of your efforts that daily we are indebted to the leadership institutions, as well as those skilled in the art of everyone.
You think I want to aim to dan is loaded with study in person.

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