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I acquired the S-GAP farm evaluation certification.

Yokota tea plantation Takahiro Yokota acquired the S-GAP farm evaluation certification in October, 2017.
With the S-GAP farm evaluation
“It is about a way of good agriculture” when I translate it literally by abbreviation of Good Agricultural Practice with GAP.
Food security, labor are safe and I mean that they do sustained farming in consideration for each environmental conservation and am called “the appropriate agriculture model” by keeping a law and a rule about the agriculture, morals.
“S-GAP” means GAP which Saitama devised.

GAP is not only the merit that the fact that received the certification brings, and 化 “which” is seen does a production process by the process, and it becomes the property for the producer that I can regard self as objectivity.
I may hand more reliable safe Sayama tea to a visitor by the coherent production control systems from cultivation to processed tea having been accepted.

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