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Pray for business prosperity

I’m worried about the whereabouts of Typhoon No. 10, but I decorated it with Tanabata.
Every year, we pray for the prosperity of our business and decorate it in time for the “Sayama City Irima River Tanabata Festival”.
Since the golf competition of the Tokyo Olympics will be held in Sayama City this year, the Irima River Tanabata Festival and the Fireworks Festival will be canceled early, so we decorated it according to the calendar.
The Tanabata Festival is often held as one of the Obon festivals, and it is believed that the festival that originally prayed for a good harvest and the Tanabata legend that came from China were combined and became a custom.
In the first place, Tanabata was written as “Tanabata”, and it is said that it came to be written as Tanabata because it was the evening of the 7th that the spirit shelf and the hat were placed for a good harvest.

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