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Also ever-ready for new tea

This spring, and we started to “spring branch trim” is invited to most of warmth.
Although only tea plantation house for the purpose of early-to-drink new tea is for the time being
This “arrange the branches” work is the difference time to be done in each of the tea producing area, in the cool Sayama region will start to prospect the equinoctial week of spring.
This the “branches arrange”, especially in the necessary management in tea plantation to pick a machine, and then to the pluck surface uniformity, make for a foreign substance on the leaves of new tea time is not mixed.
Compared with branches arrange autumn carried out in other localities, because there are large number of leaves are Chakutsui in winter, and less susceptible to cold damage, and less susceptible to cold damage because delayed time a few days to pick a time-tea bud starts to move will.
In addition, it is possible to greet the fall and winter in a state in which the young mature leaves some vitality remained, and works to plus in nutrient generating surface.

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