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Help of the promotion of food education, the environmental education


It becomes one of the important work of the soil improvement to cast organic matter into the soil of the tea plantation.
The organic matter makes the physical nature of the soil better, and the growth of the root becomes excellent, too.
In now when production of the compost becomes difficult, I use “the substitution compost” in us.
I perform application of “the compost of the lunch residual substance” which I ferment by microbes, and processed the vegetable parings which occurred in some tea plantations at the time of a leftover and cooking of the lunch this time.
It has been already wrestled in some areas, but I do an action of 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) with a subject, and it is when it promotes the switch to 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) model lifestyle of the whole nation more to promote food education, the environmental education activity that kept a local characteristic alive and, about the reuse of food waste occurring from a school meal, helps you that “even Sayama tea” wants you to wrestle by all means.
By these, I promote reduction of the garbage and the circulation use of resources and lead to an environmental education and the food education of children.

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