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Expecting an effect like the compost

It is the fertilization of last moments this year.
The compost is precious material for the stable production of farm products and the making of soil, but it is the fact that the application quantity decreases from lack of thing and materials which labor hangs year by year.
Because it leads to labor saving of the compost application in such middle my home, application does “ADUMIN” which is effective to supply humus acid as substitute material of the compost.
Because “ADUMIN” is material supplying the humus acid which is an important element of the fertility of soil, I can expect an effect like the compost.
I greatly distribute it and include three effects.
1.Effect humus acid content to make fertility of soil, cation exchange capacity (CEC:) I improve power) to keep manure, buffering ability for the change, physics-related (breathability, water retentivity) of the soil of pH.
2.Because effect cation exchange capacity to make a manure effect becomes big, ability to hold a manure ingredient increases and is reduced flow my late が. The effect promotion of three elements (nitrogen, phosphoric acid, K) of the manure in particular, soil immobilized prevention, solubilizing effect of phosphoric acid, a flow my late prevention effect of the K become important.
3.A root is activated mainly by the ingredient which begins to melt with water, and, in humus acid included in effect ADUMIN to make the activity of the root, the development (extension of the root, increase in quantity of Japanese radish) of the root system, nourishment absorption by the activation of the root are promoted.

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