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It is strongly colored and tasteful

We did a production of “Benifuuki _,” using the two crop bud “made in Japan tea second flash”.
It is a leaf that was “wilting let was”.
Rain a lot, but it took time for the humidity is high, such as green apple, it is indescribable fruit smell.
This is the “fermentation” the tea leaves.
By the enzyme, you will see that the tea leaves became red color of tea-specific.
This is a tea leaf that has the “fermentation stop”.
To stop the work of the enzyme, to proceed with the drying.
Color is changing dark red.
After this, cut, remove the stems, and will continue to market and re-drying is multiplied by the winnower.
Please wait for a while to line up the shop.
Heavily than fast flash, it is finished in the gem with astringent.
Please look forward to please.

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