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Japanese tea is not just “Yabukita”

We went to leave August 5 Saitama New Urban Center Government Building Building 2 consumption expansion planning of tea at the venue the “green tea DE Hokkoriocha Meeting”.
This is a business that Kanto Agricultural Administration Bureau Production Department gardening specialty Division is working to become a center, account for more than 70 percent of the tea varieties nationwide “Yabukita” without having to stick to, manufacturing that is taking advantage of the respective characteristics of the breed it aims to increase the profits of those who involved in the tea industry by the method.
Since the day was a hot day in the “water out”, it was brewed tea.
We were eat which is the encouragement varieties of Saitama Prefecture “Fukumi are in”, “back much,” “Sayama Kaori” “Yabukita”.
Many people have seems to have yourself surprised at the difference in taste by breed.

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