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The dolls I was decoration.

Today’s Daan, I decorated the “dolls” to shop.
Dolls originally, those “woe to the child in the scapegoat was transferred his misfortune to doll so that it does not Furikakara” is decorated is rice wishes of family that, decorate is has been a Taiankichinichi or rainwater is good you.
This dolls is what was given as “Feed chick” from home wife how.
Do you know the customs of “Feed chick”.
Totsugi destination home to a new daughter in celebration that the (bride) can, with what is presented from the home of the bride, but only Prince decoration at home, this was Ya three ladies in waiting and girl is born five court musicians, such as dolls of Tomoshiraga grandfather grandmother of Takasago is awarded, it is what you will become in Dankazari.
Each time you decorate this, I feel acutely To a warm loving wife side of the rear parents.

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